Performance Improvement Plans

Threatened with a Performance Improvement Plan at Work?

Have you been put on a performance improvement plan?

The unfortunate reality is that many companies use Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs) as a means to get rid of an employee by setting unreasonable targets to enable them to dismiss the employee or hoping the stress of the process will result in the employee’s dismissal. Of course, there are some instances of PIP’s being used in a genuine attempt to help employees improve their performance, but in our experience over 90% of employees who are placed on a PIP, leave their employment shortly afterwards either by agreement, resignation or dismissal.
We can help you evaluate your PIP and explore your options. We can help negotiate a Settlement Agreement and give you a favourable exit without the stress of going through the PIP process. It is important you do not resign without seeking advice as you will lose key legal rights and make it difficult for us to help you if you do so.
If you have a Performance Improvement Plan or expect to receive one, the best thing you can do is contact us as soon as possible and one of our Partners will contact you on the same day and arrange a free consultation to provide you with bespoke advice on your PIP that is tailored to your personal circumstances.

During your call, we will be able to advise you on:

  • Whether or not your employer appears to be genuinely trying to help you improve your performance
  • Your options to respond to the PIP
  • The actions you can take to put yourself in the strongest position
  • The possibility of agreeing an exit with compensation
  • What compensation you may be able to achieve

Here’s some common questions we often get asked. If any of this applies to you, we can help. Arrange a free consultation today.

Does a Performance Improvement Plans mean I’m fired?

A PIP does not mean you are fired.  It is meant to give you measurable targets to achieve to improve your performance.  The reality is though that it is often a precursor to your employment being terminated, particularly if your targets are subjective or unattainable

Is a performance improvement plan a warning?

A performance improvement plan is not a warning but if you don’t meet the objectives set out in the plan this is likely to result in a warning and ultimately dismissal.

Can you survive a performance improvement plan?

Yes.  If you meet the targets set out in the plan then your employer may remove you from the plan and your employment can continue as before

What happens if I resign during a PIP?

Your employment will end. It is better to seek to negotiate an exit rather than to resign as you can often obtain additional compensation this way.

How do I respond to a PIP?

If you want to try to keep your job you should respond positively to the PIP and not challenge it.  Work with your employer to ensure you meet the objectives they set for you.  If you wish to leave you can use the fact your employer is unhappy with your performance to start settlement discussions.

Can I refuse a performance improvement plan?

No, it is not optional.

How do you tell if your employer is trying to get rid of you?

If the PIP has come out of the blue with no prior discussions about your performance or if the objectives set are wholly subjective or unattainable, it is likely your employer is using the PIP process as a means to get rid of you.

Why choose Bloomsbury Square Employment Law?

Bloomsbury Square Employment Law is committed to providing partner-level advice to all.

Each of our partners has at least 15 years’ experience in employment law and if you have a settlement agreement, you can get in touch with us and get direct access to our partners to streamline the settlement agreement process.

We represent professionals from all industries and backgrounds and have a strong reputation in the employment law field, to the extent that many of our clients are solicitors themselves, from Top City firms.

You will receive a swift and efficient personal service from an experienced practitioner who understands what you are going through.

Meet the partners

Senior employment law &
dispute resolution expert
One of London’s top rated employment lawyers
Specialist employment lawyer with over 18 years experience

Specialist employment lawyer with over 18 years experience

Highly experienced heavy hitter in employment & negotiations
Unflappable and assured employment law expert

Leading Employment Law Specialist with Extensive Experience

Senior employment law dispute resolution expert
Highly experienced heavy hitter in employment negotiations
One of London’s top rated employment lawyers
Unflappable and assured employment law expert
Specialist employment lawyer with over 18 years experience
Leading Employment Law Specialist with Extensive Experience

Leading Employment Law Specialist with Extensive Experience

Get The Support You Deserve – Leading Employment Law Specialists

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