Maternity Discrimination Advice

Experiencing discrimination during pregnancy and/or maternity leave can be deeply upsetting. The implications of the experience will very likely have long-term consequences for your career and your financial wellbeing. Arrange a free consultation to provide you with bespoke advice on your situation that is tailored to your personal circumstances.

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100% Partner level advice so you can get the highest level strategic advice tailored to your personal circumstances

What is a Maternity Discrimination?

Discrimination can arise in many circumstances. You might find that you are no longer on track for promotion after announcing your pregnancy or during maternity leave, your role has been eroded and opportunities to progress have disappeared.

It is common that restructures happen during periods of maternity leave and you are left with a much-diminished role, or on your return you are told that you will be facing redundancy.

Whilst there is legislation to protect you in this situation, this is a complex area of law and you need expert advice on the law, the time limits, the strength of your case and the best strategy.

During your call, we will be able to advise you on:

  • Identify whether you have a maternity discrimination claim
  • Provide clear advice and strategies to resolve disputes
  • Value your claim, give you realistic and tailored advice
  • Get specialist support for your claim to make the process easier
  • Provide clear advice in plain English - no confusing legal jargon
  • Get representation across the UK - we offer telephone and video consultations
  • What the likely outcome will be
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Is it too late to bring a Maternity Discrimination claim?

Like all claims of discrimination, timing is critical in maternity discrimination. The claims must be brought either during the protected period (the time you are pregnant or on maternity leave) or within three months less one day. This often poses a problem for women who have been side-lined during pregnancy and only raise concerns once they are about to return following maternity leave.

If you have suffered discrimination because of your pregnancy or maternity leavethis happ, then we can help. We have experience in securing substantial damages in this situation, so do not be put off getting in touch.

  • We act solely for employees in workplace matters and have years of experience representing women who are facing additional challenges at work following the birth of a child.
  • We aim to offer clarity on your options and possible strategies to use. Often it is about getting your career back on track and restoring relationships with line-management, but it can also involve exploring an exit.
  • We offer empathetic advice to give you clarity on the options available to you, as well as advice on the likely costs to pursue a claim.

What you can expect from us:

  • Guiding you to make the best choices for your case, using our specialist knowledge and experience of employment law and procedures.
  • Providing clear information on fees so that you have control of your costs right from the start.
  • Actively progressing your matter. Thanks to our focus on quality of service, not quantity of cases, your issue will get the attention it needs, when it needs it.
  • Keeping you up to date about your case. You shouldn’t need to chase us to find out what is happening.
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We are exclusively a Partner only firm. This means you will receive advice from a solicitor who has decades of experience in employment law from the first call to the successful resolution of your case.

You need strategic advice that is tailored to your personal circumstances, which is likely to require a nuanced and smart approach.

We are proud that over our years of practice we have been able to change workplaces for the better and ensure that our clients achieve positive outcomes including substantial financial awards.

Speak to us directly and book your free consultation

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